Monday, April 11, 2011

2011 so far

I am a terrible, terrible blogger. Especially because I am so inconsistent. But guess what? Now I don't have school, and I don't have a job... so I can update you on all of the happenings around here. 
This is what I have from my camera thus far.

This is just funny. Snow weasel Max.
 We went to Arizona to check out the dental school. It was nice (and hot), but we decided on Portland. =)
 I then mummified a stuffed pig with my 6th graders. Betcha can't say you did that this year. =)
 They loved it.
 Then I met the cutest little first graders. (This is a picture of them holding up their art work from our "art gallery" reward. They were SO proud of their dragons and whales.)
 Don't they just melt your heart? They are so presh.
 Just this last weekend, we went to Idaho to Dawson's wedding. Here is Adam with the Mormon Mustang plane. Hey hey!
It's been a good year! There are lots of new changes that I just can't wait for... no school, graduation, new city, new (hopefully) first grade teaching job... it's going to be awesome!