Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So if you haven't heard already, working with two-year olds can be totally hillarious. 
(it can also be completely complicated.)
But... mostly just hillarious. 

Today, one of my dear homies who has sass like no other, awesome wild hair, and sings Harry Potter songs made my day. (She also calls me Africa.) During nap time she was over in her own little world on her mat, screaming on the top of her lungs, "Down by the station, early in the morning..." 

Realistically, it is impossible to ever get annoyed with this kid. She is just so dang funny. So I turn to her and say, "It's time to be quiet. It's nap time, lay down." So naturally she turns to me with her sassiest face and says, "SHHHH, Africa. SHHH."


Sunday, August 21, 2011


Who am I kidding. I am the world's WORST blogger when it comes to any form of consistency. But guess what? We are still living in Portland, Adam is going to school, I am still partying with my little homies, and we still love it! 

There is so much to catch up on that it is kind of overwhelming, so I have opted for a more simple solution, pretend nothing exciting has happened and pick up right now. :)

Mom came to visit this weekend from good ol' Modesto! We tried lots of adventurous things- such as riding the air tram at OHSU

However, the most adventurous thing of all was eating a Voodoo donuts. 
First off, here is a list (because you know how I love me some lists) of all of my hesitations about this place:
#1) The name.
#2) Supposedly, there is some sketch donut that they invented with Pepto Bismol and Nyquil that got banned by the FDA. 
#3) The names of the donuts (that I had heard of) were suspicious.
#4) Numbers 1-3 again.

So yeah, this place seemed sketchy to me, but everyone (everyone) kept saying, "Oh Voodoo donuts, we love you. Everyone has to eat there... it's fabulous..."

So we went, and it was awesome! Let me clear the air about my previously mentioned hesitations. So, the name is the same. The creepy donut is gone. And there are only a few sketchy named donuts. Can I please mention the pure awesomeness of the place?
#1) They teach Swahili lessons apparently every Tuesday night.
#2) The outside walls are painted with glitter. Literally, glitter on the walls.
#3) There are cute little picnic tables outside to eat on and to watch the funnies walk by.
#4) There are donuts of all kinds in this place. I got an oreo coated one. They had Captain Crunch donuts, bacon and maple donuts... all kinds. (They have normal ol' donuts, too.)