Thursday, March 15, 2012


My kids are the funniest little things ever.
It turns out that I am pretty lucky because I get to hear all of the gems that come out of their mouths 
for five days a week. 
How great is that?!? Two year old stories and comments are the best.

I'd like to share these little gems with you now. 
Mind you, these are the most recent ones (and probably only 2% of the awesomeness).
Also, super mind you that I work with two year olds. And their comments, while always funny, are not always super pleasant or socially acceptable. 
While playing on the playground, James runs up and starts pushing Sarah over and over again. Lisa goes up to James and says, "James, we don't push our friends. Walk away, please."
James replies, "But she's a Clipper! I'm a Blazer!"
One afternoon, we were talking about things the toys and how they don't go into our mouths. "Friends, we put food and water in our mouths, but we do not put toys in our mouths."
Sarah replies, "We don't put farts in our mouth."
 Because the topic of St. Patrick's Day has been part of frequent conversation lately, I asked, "Sarah, what do leprechauns do?"
Sarah says (with excessive hand motions), "They dig, and dig, and dig, and dig!!!"
I say, "Wow! What are they digging for?"
Sarah says, "For they food."
"What food do they need to dig for?"
"For they foot (fruit) and for they milk."
The game of searching for leprechauns in our class has become all the rage. My kiddos love getting out the magnifying glasses and searching everywhere. Luckily, James has it all figured out. He said, "Well, I see leprechauns in my imagination."
One day on the playground, James comes running up to me and yells, "LET'S PLAY SACK-O!"
I ask back, "What is sack-o?"
James says (while doing a little dance), "SACK-O POTAAATOES!!!!" and runs away.
Because pottying is a large part of my day, I seem to have quite the collection of potty stories. 
Here's one...
We've been teaching James how to pee on the potty for quite some time and he's doing fairly well. One day, as I was sitting next to him, he started to pee. Very concerned, James said, "I'm peeing lemonade..."
While observing on the playground, I saw a group of three little girls running around holding hands. James tried to get in on the fun, but Sarah said, "No boys allowed!" and they ran away from sullen James.
Sarah turned to her friends and said, "Yeah, teamwork!" and gave them each a high-five.
Happy weekend!

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