Thursday, March 29, 2012

sal the salamander

As I was walking to get the mail today, I saw what I presumed to be...
a dead* lizard
(or perhaps a baby baby komodo dragon).

It was wet and slimy, but pretty cool. I felt like I really needed to take said wet lizard to show Adam. Of course I used a bill to pick it up (because who needs bills anyways?). 

The lizard did not cooperate and wouldn't stay on the stinking envelope. 
I made it about half way across the busy road with the lizard when it tried to commit suicide. 
Of course then, I had to save it... because now I basically killed a baby wet lizard. So I scraped it across the road and eventually made it to the grass.

I decided, for the safety of the baby lizard, to stop harassing the poor dear. 
Turns out it was a salamander. 

Just so you know, salamanders can be this big...

*no actual salamander died in the making of this post.

1 comment:

  1. That man holding the giant salamander is psycho, I will now have giant salamander nightmares!!!!!
